“The story of organized crime is the story of the modern world” – Journalists explore global crime in Underworld podcast

By David Amoruso Gangsters, Inc.

Journalists Danny Gold and Sean Williams have come face to face with some of the world’s most dangerous men – be they MS-13 hitmen or ISIS insurgents. They went wherever the story took them. As they reported on global violence, they also saw up close the impact of crime and corruption. In their new podcast they explore this seedy underworld. “The story of organized crime is the story of the modern world.”

When a big story popped up somewhere in the world, Gold and Williams tended to pack their bags and go there. No matter how inhospitable the area, they would find a way to cover it and the story that was stashed away there. Despite all these travels, the two never met. And unbeknownst to the other, they were both planning a trip to Yemen to report on the violence ripping through that country when fate kept them grounded. Before they could get on a plane, COVID-19 hit and spread around the globe, locking down cities and countries.

Rest is here…https://gangstersinc.org/profiles/blogs/the-story-of-organized-crime-is-the-story-of-the-modern-world-jou