
by Richard Shuetz, GGB News

We have a new player in the sports betting conference space and his name is Spanky. He isn’t a hedge fund, a private equity firm, or any of your typical conference controller behemoth type of things. Nor is he a professional conference company that applies a common template across various conference verticals. He is just a very tough and very smart man who has an attitude that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things—oh—and there is a Spanky way of doing things. Bet Bash II was an example of that Spanky way of doing things. Look out world, the conference space is getting real.

There was something unusual about Spanky being in the sports betting conference business in that he had essentially no experience in conferences and a huge amount of experience in sports betting. That is materially backward from the norm. And when I say he knows about sports betting, that is like suggesting that Einstein understood physics. Spanky has forgotten more about betting than most in the industry will ever know—and he learned it by doing it—and what he could not do, he tried to invent.

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